Ash Browns are served with a hearty breakfast or it's a quick and easy recipes
winter treat..
Prep time 5 minutes,Cooking time 10 minutes
winter treat..
Prep time 5 minutes,Cooking time 10 minutes
- 4 Potatoes
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1/2 tbsp black pepper
- 3rd cup Flour plain
- 3/4 cup Skim milk
- 1tsp softened Butter
- 1 egg beaten
step 1 Peel potatoes ,and dice into small cubes,par boil in hot water till softened
step 2 Drain water and place potatoes into a bowl,allow to cool for few minutes
step 3 When cooled ,add all ingredients to bowl of potatoes and mix,roughly together
with the back of a spoon
step 4 Get two pieces of baking powder ,lay out on bench.put mixture in between the
papers,then take rolling pin and roll out to 4 inch thick.
step 5 Put into freezer to freeze till the mixture becomes frozen hard
step 6 When the mixture is frozen take out and cut into size and shapes you like
The mixture should be easy to cut
step 7 In a pot with hot oil on the stove place one at a time the hash brown mixture
for about 2 mins then remove and place on a rack to drain off excess oily hen
repeat the process again placing hash brown into hot oil for further 30 seconds
then back on to the rack to drain.
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