Chicken biryani is a meal that brings the family together,it's such easy recipes wholesome meal.
15 mins prep 40 mins cooking time
- 2 cups rice
- 1 onion sliced
- 1 Red Capsicum sliced
- 1 tsp garlic from jar
- 1 half cup peas
- 1 half cup corn
- 1 carrot grated
- 1 kg chicken pieces
- 2 tablespoons Biryani Paste
step 1 Put 2 cups water into rice cooker then put rice in turn on so it cooks,
while to attend to chicken.
step 2 Boil in separate pot chicken pieces with water,salted.
step 3 Take chicken from heat pour the chicken stock some into the rice cooking
,so the rice has chicken flavor,leave to cook through
step 4 In a saucepan on heat add oil,garlic,onion,and Biryani paste on low heat
stir through without burning paste,add corn,beans,peas,capsicum,carrots
stir through so flavoured by Paste
step 5 While cooking add the cooked rice and stir through,add chicken pieces
stir through all ingredients...cook for further 20 mins till all ingredients
are coated through with paste .